Thursday, May 5, 2016

East of Shanghai (1931)

Another Romantic Comedy From Hitchcock

This film is known as "The Rich and Strange" (UK) and "East of Shanghai" (US). It's one of Hitchcock's romantic comedies that is often wrongly tagged as a thriller film and I would imagine this is because Hitchcock is famous for making thriller films. This film is NOT a thriller.

This film is more like other earlier Hitchcock works: Young and Innocent (1937) or  The Farmer's Wife (1928)  due to the romantic comedy nature of the films. Do not expect this film to be anything like Vertigo (1958) or even Psycho (1960) because it is not.

"The Rich and Strange" is not a bad film it's pretty good but not what most of would think of when we think of Alfred Hitchcock. Hitchcock's real calling was for suspenseful thrillers and not romantic comedies but he really doesn't disappoint with films like this one.

This film is a moral piece: A man and woman is poor, they inherit lots of money and go sailing around the world. While on a ship their relationship falls apart as they realize they were happier when they were poor instead of being filthy rich - and in the end they lose everything becoming poor and happy again. The end.


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