Monday, May 9, 2016

Day the World Ended (1955)

Quite Enjoyable, Suspenseful, & Eerie

I am a sucker for the post-apolitical, last people of earth types of films and Day the World Ended (1955) is one of them. This one I find really good. It's suspenseful, eerie, claustrophobic, intense and just an all around good sci-fi horror film. I really enjoy this one.

There are 7 people who believes they maybe the last people on earth. 2 women and 5 men are alone in the world - one of them has half mutated after the atomic explosion that left them trying to survive in the contaminated climate. What they don't know is the fact there is a complete mutant - a monster hunting them down. Will they all survive?

The movie mainly focus on the 7 characters: how they are surviving, how it's effecting their physical and mental health, their relationships with one another and their unawareness of the mutant monster lurking about makes the film more intense.

We don't see the mutant monster until the end of the film and that is fine by me... it's the character interactions and their survival that makes this film worth watching.

I'll plug two good films in the vein of this film: 'The Last Woman on Earth' and 'The Last Man on Earth'.


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