Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Last Man on Earth (1964)

An Interesting Post-Apocalyptic Vampire Film

It's good to see this film again - it's been a long while. This one is a must see for horror fans. In particular vampire and zombie lovers alike should be able to enjoy this wonderful film.

Basically, everyone on planet Earth is dead or undead minus one man Dr. Robert Morgan (Vincent Price). Dr. Morgan is a scientist turned vampire hunter after the spread of a plague that wiped out almost most all of the population on the planet (death) or they became a vampire. Dr. Morgan faces his daily chores of keeping his home secure from the vampires, radioing for anyone that can hear him, burning any recently dead vamp & putting a stake through the hearts of any vampires that are alive. By night, he stays secured at home resting and preparing for the next days monotonous routine.

The movie is much more exciting than it sounds like it would be and quite different than most other vampire films out there.

I don't know if I would like to be in Dr. Morgan place: the last human on Earth. Being the last human on the planet sounds like it would be fun on the surface but would in reality be nightmare. The film shows the torment of being alone quite well and Vincent Price's performance is outstanding!


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