Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Bat (1959)

Interesting Mystery-Thriller

I've gotta love these ladies! They are quite funny, tough and pretty smart. They are out to help crack the mystery of "the bat"! Who is "the bat"? You'll have to watch this interesting mystery-thriller to find the answer.

This movie is worth watching if you love a good mystery with a few thrills involved. There's a bit of humor thrown into the mix for those that like a little comedy in their mysteries - just enough to spice things up a bit.

Agnes Moorehead is about as tough as she can be as Cornelia van Gorder - I can tell you she's not "the bat" but she's out to get him. Moorehead's role as Gorder is almost as scary as "the bat" because she can be as mean as a bat in at times in this flick. Great performance from Agnes - which is one of the reasons this film is worth watching!

Vincent Price - what can I say? He's got a quiet wickedness in this film that is, well, "Priceless" ;)

Good film over all - makes a great late night flick!


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