Monday, May 9, 2016

In the Year 2889 (1967)

A Dull Remake of a Roger Corman Classic

Roger Corman's "Day the World Ended (1955)" - watch it instead. In the Year 2889 (1967) is a dull made for TV remake of Corman's sci-fi horror classic. Really, why watch this dull film when you can see the original which is a thousand times better?!! This film is almost word for word, scene by scene Corman's film.

The only reason why to watch this film is for Paul Peterson (of "The Donna Reed Show" and the song "My Dad") - that's it! And it's a pretty lame reason to watch this movie. I guess another reason to watch this film is to see just how awful some remakes are.

The mutated monster in Corman's film might be a little comical looking but still fun to watch. This remake film version's monster looks, well, dumb and simply goofy.


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