Sunday, October 26, 2014

Mad Monster Party? (1967)

Comedy-Horror Classic

I forgot all about this film until I accidentally ran across it again - I recall watching this one as a kid and forgot what it was about because it's been many years since I've seen it so I decided to watch it again. I found it to be a cute classic comedy-horror. Worth watching with the kids.

This film has all the classic horror movie monsters in it from the old films: Dracula, Frankenstein, The Invisible Man, The Wolf Man, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Creature From the Black Lagoon, King Kong - just to name a few.

I love Boris Karloff and it was fun to watch him as an animated toon in this movie. Karloff is definitely a (horror) film legend - most remembered for his role as The Monster in the timeless classic " Frankenstein (1931)". 

Phyllis Diller - her character is The Monster's Mate (basically The Bride of Frankenstein) but the cartoon character looked just like Phyllis Diller herself - yep that is scary LOL.

Overall this was fun little movie to watch - it was a nostalgic trip down memory lane for me.


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