Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Wolf Man (1941)

Beware of the Full Moon

An outstanding old horror classic! A must see for horror movie fans and those interested in lycanthropy films.

This is one of those films I can watch over and over and it's hard for me to become bored with it. My heart always went to Lawrence Talbot because he wants to be cured from his aliment - he never wanted to hurt anyone. He's a likable guy when not in his wolf-man form yet it is in fact his wolf-form that is the most attractive part of the film.

The story is good - it's not flimsy like some werewolf movies I have seen. I'm not saying it is perfect but I am saying it's far from being a cheesy b-rated story plot.

And I love these old special effects, I like the transformation from human to wolf and back to human. Very good for it's day!

A great late night horror movie classic!


IMDb: The Wolf Man (1941)

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