Saturday, October 25, 2014

Labyrinth (1986)

A-Maze-ing Film

This is a fun fantasy film - quite enjoyable to watch. I was 14 when the movie came out and I enjoyed it then and still enjoy it now. This is the type of film that kids and adults alike can love.

To describe this film I would say it is "The Dark Crystal" meets "Alice in Wonderland" meets "Snow White" meets "Cinderella" meets "The Neverending Story". Labyrinth is just as good as all the films I have mentioned.

David Bowie is absolutely perfect for the role of Jareth the Goblin King - wonderful performance by Bowie and his songs for this film are quite good.

I loved the character Hoggle - he's quite an interesting little guy. Ludo is so loveable (he's nothing like Chewbacca yet he reminds me of the Wookie lol). Sir Didymus is just cool and somehow puts me in mind of Fizzgig from The Dark Crystal. Sarah is so much like Alice (in Wonderland) lost in a bizarrely magical surreal world.

The only thing I really found wrong with the film was the finale - it ended quite abruptly for me - and I think it should have tied up the loose ends with Sarah's parents and baby brother. But otherwise the film is A-Maze-ing! ;)


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