Sunday, October 26, 2014

Legend (1985)

A Pretty Good Fantasy

Legend has a good fantasy story to tell about the mystical creatures called unicorns. I will not say anymore about the unicorns because it would ruin the film for the first time viewer. I will say they are beautiful and realistic looking in this movie.

I really loved the story as well as the costumes, sets and overall look/feel to the film - it is quite a magical cinema.  The creatures in the film are great looking  - some extremely creepy in appearance.

There are two highly trivial things I did not like about the film:

1) The voices of some of the creatures sounded to much alike. It was like these similar sounding characters had high pitched voices as if they were sucking on a helium balloon then speaking (examples: Gump and Blix). That really bothered me - it's a trivial complaint I know but it did get on my nerves for some reason.

2) The other minor thing about the film I became irritated with was the relationship between Blix, Blunder and Pox - they were to much like "The Three Stooges" for me instead of being as terrifying as they look.

My complaints are extremely minor about the film - I will tell you outside of my two trivial gripes the movie is good.


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