Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The Pirate Movie (1982)


Loved it When I Was 10 


I was 10 years old when the film came out. At the time I loved it and would watch it every time it came on the TV. Today, I tried watching it but ended up skimming though the movie. I doesn't have the same impact it did when I was a preteen.

The movie is a reworked version of hit stage musical 'The Pirates of Penzance' (the movie version of 'Penzance' came out a year after 'The Pirate Movie').

Anyway, the film is great for youngsters and possibly the young at heart as well as fans of musicals. I myself can't get into anymore yet it's a decent movie.

Kristy McNichol and Christopher Atkins where hot commodities during the early 1980s so they were the perfect choices for this flick.

If you want something different in pirate films to watch and can tolerate musicals - then you should give this movie and 'The Pirates of Penzance'  a whirl.


 The Pirate Movie (1982)


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