Friday, August 18, 2023

Popeye (1980)


I Still Eats Me Spinach
I was 8 years old when Popeye came out on the silver screen. I had a lot of fun watching the film then, and I have as much fun now. - And I still 'eats me spinach' to this very day.

I don't understand how this film can be rated so low on IMDb, Letterboxd and Rotten Tomatoes. Maybe because Shelly Duvall's breakdown shortly after? Maybe because Robin Williams had to dub his character 2 times? Is the story that boring to them? Do they not like Popeye cartoons? I'm unsure. I for one still love this movie.

Duvall, Williams, Smith, Walston, Dooley and the rest all nailed their roles. The songs are joyful to hear. The costumes, set designs, story and cinematography are all aces.

If you haven't seen Popeye 1980 then I recommend watching it with an open mind and thoughts of your childhood memories of Popeye.


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