Friday, August 18, 2023

Cats (2019)


Scratched Off My List

This is a film I have kinda been wanting to see so I finally broke down and bought the DVD; It's now scratched off my list of 'to see' films. I won't throw it in the litter box but it's not a film I'd completely watch again.

There are some great acting & singing here from Ian McKellen, Dame Judith Dench, Taylor Swift, Idris Elba and Jason Derulo -  all give outstanding performances.

My real beef with the film was the story. I've never seen Cats at the theater or on DVD before and didn't know much about it really but I feel they wasted an opportunity to create an awesome story of our feline friends. The script goes in the litter box.

Anyway, I have to give stars for the actors/singers, costumes and set designs - not so much the story.


Cats (2019)

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