Thursday, July 6, 2023

Red Dawn (2012)


Lacks the Heart and Soul of the Original

This remake lacks the heart and soul of the original 1984 film. The original had me caring about the characters but this remake I only half-way cared about 3 of them (Jed, Matt and Daryl).

Some of the cinematography is awful! I hate the shaky camera movements along with the quick edits so you can't really tell what is going on in the action sequences.

The acting us subpar with flat characters. The story-line bland in comparison to the original movie.  

In this remake, it's North Korea and allied Russia that has invaded the United States (focus is on North Koreans). The original it was Russia, Cuba and Nicaragua allied together (focused on Russia and Cuba).

Overall - it's a so-so action war film.


Red Dawn (2012)

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