Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007)


Has It's Humorous Moments 

While not as funny as the TV series or the 1997 film entitled 'Bean' the film does have it's genuinely  funny moments. As usual Mr. Bean is mess; he's totally getting into oddball troubles and making a shambles of things but somehow always comes out on top.

I have a soft spot for Mr. Bean - he was big time in my 20s. Always knows how to make me seriously laugh out loud.

I personally think the film would have been funnier as a not so simple vacation rather than the boy separated from his father bit. BUT The film did give me laughs - just not as many as I hoped for. The movie is still worth watching - I sure felt I got my money's worth.


 Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007)

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