Thursday, September 1, 2022

Screamtime (1983)


Really Not Worth My Time

3 stories with an alright wraparound story. I wasn't crazy about this particular anthology - guess I'm spoiled to the better ones of the time era.

1st story: That's the Way to Do It: about a man who is a puppeteer and his wife doesn't like it because he doesn't make real money doing it. --- Very weak tale.

2nd story: Dreamhouse: It's about a couple who move into a new house and the wife thinks she's seeing ghosts. --- The best story of the film.

3rd story: Do You Believe in Fairies:  It's about fairies. -- It's not a very good story.

Wraparound story is pretty fun and corny.

Overall the film was a waste of my time.


Screamtime (1983)

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