Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Suffering (2016)

A Good Modern Horror-Thriller

This is a pretty good story about a man, Henry Dawles,  who shows up to appraise the home of Mr. Remiel. Remiel is a southern gent of sorts, and oversees not only the his home but that of sinister beings. What are these beings? Ghosts? Zombies? Demons? Are they all the imagination of Henry? Is this just one long nightmare Henry is having? I won't give away what happens - only to say it's pretty good and reminds me a bit of the older/classic horror films that I love.

The movie is done in good taste - creepy beings, a bit of blood without going crazy with all the fake blood on screen and creating a gorefest. The movie is character and story driven instead of being a bloodbath gory "veg-out in front of the screen" movie. This film works with your mind - my type of horror!


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