Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Treehouse (2014)

Starts Out Fine - But That Finale Sucked

The film starts out pretty good, very interesting... was fine with the shadow creatures lurking about, kids lost in the woods in a treehouse that the shadow creatures dared not to enter... I started thinking this might be a fairly decent horror-thriller! NOT!!! That ending with Mr. and Miss Rambo was just dumb.

Honestly, just over half way through the film it seems the filmmakers lost their focus and didn't know which way to go with it and by the end, well they didn't know how to end it and made up something on the spot.

That girl starts out all scared and timid, next thing I know she's pretending to be Miss Tough Gal, then back to timid - they didn't know how to develop her character at all!! UGH!! She became irritating and all that "baby bear" crap made me want to puke - over a guy she barely knew... just stupid.

They should have stuck with the original way the film was going with the shadow creature OR left them out just had the 3 crazy kidnapping murdering guys show up instead. One has to make up their mind and be consistent to create a good film... OH and leave out the 1980s action crap - that ending sucked!


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