Saturday, May 6, 2017

The Lost Boys (1987)

One Of The Best Vampire Films Ever Made

A throwback to my teen years - The Lost Boys! I can't believe I'm just now getting around to reviewing this one - I thought I did already but, alas, I haven't lol.

What can I say about this film? Great music, a hot looking and great cast and it is a really good vampire story - well worth watching if you like vampire films. This one is labeled comedy and it has it's share of a few comical moments but it's mainly a darn good horror flick!

Back in the 80s (when I was a teen) this was "the teen horror film" outside of "American Werewolf of London" or at least it was where I was growing up. I will confess that I still love this film all these years later.

Yeah watch this film if you love Vampire films - you can't go wrong.


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