Saturday, May 6, 2017

Lost Boys: The Tribe (2008)

Zero Like The First Film

The only things going for this film: Corey Feldman and a guest appearance from Tom Savini in the beginning - that's pretty much it.

The film didn't hold my interest at all except for a couple of scenes with Feldman that I stopped fast-forwarding through to watch for him.

Maybe I'm just getting old but the original "Lost Boys" is so much better and darker than this one. Yeah I'm biased I guess but I think my/our teen film "Lost Boys" is soooo much better than this newer teen film "The Tribe".

This one is nothing but soft-porn for teens that can't act, a rip off story and extra bloody at times just to throw some fake blood on camera. Our "Lost Boys" had blood, one romantic love scene and a good story. No comparison at all.

I highly recommend the original "Lost Boys" to vampire fans but not this film "The Tribe" (should be called "The Tripe" - yes it's that awful).

2/10 - For Corey Feldman it gets an extra point.

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