Sunday, May 7, 2017

Lost Boys: The Thirst (2010)

Much Better Than Part 2!

The series is back on track here - this one, The Thirst, IS the sequel to the original film - NOT Part 2, The Tribe. This film actually continues the story of the Frog brothers and pays a nice tribute to Corey Haim.

This one is a comedy - rather lame comedy but funny in it's way. Edgar Frog (Feldman) is a washed up vampire hunter, a girl has a brother that has become a half-vampire and get Edgar on the trail of the vampire group, plans on bringing the brother back safely by killing the head vampire - now begins our story.

Yes there is some nudity and bloody - it's a modern film - yes it's a bit over done but I ignored it to watch Edgar Frog's journey.

The 1st film 9/10, the 2nd 2/10 (only for Feldman) and this 3rd film 5/10 - mainly for bring The Frog back into the limelight again.


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