Monday, February 6, 2017

Master of the World (1961)

A Neat Adventure Film

This is a neat little adventure film but not the best film to star Vincent Price or Henry Hull also Charles Bronson - but it is fun to watch. Henry Hull actually came out of retirement to co-star and that's a treat all in itself!

It's sometimes funny - mainly the comedy comes from Topage the chef (played by Vito Scotti). Price and Hull are always good to watch which makes this film worth a looksy. Charles Bronson fans should get a kick out of seeing him in an earlier and different type of role from what we are used to seeing him cast in - but he's still a bit of a "tough guy" in it.

I think this movie could make a fun adventure film afternoon with another Vincent Price film: 'War Gods of the Deep' aka 'City in the Sea' (1965).


Master of the World (1961)

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