Tuesday, January 10, 2017

"Star Trek" Wolf in the Fold (1967)

Scotty, Murder and The Law of Love

Season 2, episode 14. The crew of the Enterprise is taking a shore leave on Argelius II. Kirk, McCoy and Scotty are in a night club watching the dancer. Scotty is excited by the dancer and Kirk tells him that he's invited her to join them at the table when she's done. She joins them and Scotty and the dancer leaves the club cafe together. A few minutes later Kirk and McCoy leave the club and while walking to where they are staying they hear a woman scream and run to help. She is dead and Scotty is up against a wall with a large, bloody knife in hands scared to death. When questioned Scotty does not remember what happened, suspicion falls on Mr. Scott that he is the murder. Another woman is later murdered and only Scotty was found in room alone with her and passed out. Then during an ancient Argelian hocus pocus another woman is murdered. Kirk, McCoy, Spock and the ship's computer must find out what really happened but it falls in the jurisdiction of the Argelian people who's law is love.

A really good murder mystery sci-fi style. Enjoyable to watch.


"Star Trek" Wolf in the Fold (1967)

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