Tuesday, January 10, 2017

"Star Trek" Obsession (1967)

Kirk vs The Intelligent Fog

Season 2, episode 13. The Enterprise is at a planet in search of tritanium deposits. Kirk and away team has beamed down... while searching Kirk catches a whiff of a sickening sweet honey smell that he immediately recognizes from 11 years prior. He splits up the away team to search for and destroy it. The red shirts are attacked and killed but one that is dying - their red blood cells are drained of hemoglobin. Once they all beam aboard, Kirk becomes obsessed with hunting down that create and destroying it while ignoring Starfleet orders to rendezvous with the USS Yorktown. Kirk keeps insisting the creature is intelligent while Spock and McCoy have their doubts in the beginning thinking the captain is loosing his mind from a guilty feeling of all dying but him 11 years prior to this encounter with the creature. Kirk must destroy this creature once and for all.

3 things are illogical or do not make a lot of sense in this episode:

1) Spock has mentioned in other episodes that he "senses" yet he finds sensing or intuition illogical in this particular episode. Why would he find it illogical that humans can sense things or is it simply any type of sensing illogical to him? 

2) Why would the always logical Spock put his hands in front of a vent as if that would stop the fog creature? Yes he reversed the vent output aka blocked the vent so the creature could not enter into the room with him but putting both hands in front of the vent is a very illogical move for a Vulcan... well he is half human so maybe the human side of him responded in this case?

3) Why were they searching for for tritanium deposits to begin with on the planet when they were to rendezvous with the USS Yorktown to transfer urgent medical supplies destined for Theta VII? If those medical supplies were so urgent then why search for those tritanium deposits? That in itself should have had Spock reminding the captain of the urgent supplies before they beamed to the planet's surface. Kirk was clearly ignoring his priority orders.

In spite of it's flaws, the episode is fun to watch. I find even lesser episodes a great joy to view and fascinating. ;)


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