Tuesday, January 10, 2017

"Star Trek" The Deadly Years (1967)

Old Age and Wisdom

Season 2, episode 12. The Enterprise is taking Commodore Stocker to Starbase 10 and makes a quick pit stop at Gamma Hydra IV to bring them supplies. Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty, Chekhov & Galway beam down to the facility where they find no one around. Chekhov goes into one of the buildings and panics & screams out - the rest come running inside to find a dead man. Bones scans him and finds he's died of natural causes, old age. Two seemingly elderly people come in, they are questioned by Kirk about their ages: 29 & 27. The two are beamed aboard ship but they die from old age. Not long after that the group that beam down all started aging rapidly -- all but Chekhov. McCoy estimated they are aging at the rate of about 30 years per day. Galway dies of old age sooner than the others due to her metabolism but the others are aging extremely quickly. To make matters worse, Romulans are in the area. It's a race against time and only their combined wisdom can save them.

Interesting concept were radiation from a comet tail caused the quick aging process. Even more interesting is the reason why Chekhov didn't age and holds the key to the answers.


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