Tuesday, January 10, 2017

"Star Trek" The Trouble with Tribbles (1967)

Grain, Klingons & Tribbles Oh My!

Season 2, episode 15. The Enterprise receives a distress call from an outlying space station, Deep Space Station K7, which is nearby the planet, Sherman's Planet, which is a territorial dispute between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. Kirk beams down with an away crew only to find that it's was just a trick to get them there to help watch a vital grain shipment... it's the only grain from Earth that will grow on Sherman's Planet. The Klingons arrive to request a shore leave to K7, Kirk agrees but limits the number of Klingons that can be there at one time. In a cafe bar where the peddler Cyrano Jones is trying to sell his tribbles. Tribbles are a furry, purring creature that are cute balls of fur. Uhura is there and falls for the little cute creature and obtains one for a pet and brings it on the Enterprise. From there, the tribbles start multiplying like crazy on the ship. On K7, the territorial dispute continues, fist fighting occurs between Klingons and some of Kirk's crew members, tribbles are multiplying and the grain has been poisoned killing quite a number of tribbles. Who poisoned the grain and what does that have to do with the tribbles?

Sometimes a an episode like this is needed to keep the fun flowing even though it's a bit silly - a refreshing change from the drama that is prevalent throughout the series. Seems all Star Trek fans want a tribble of their own. Those darn tribbles! I also love the fighting between Kirk's crew and the Klingons - that is a barrel of laughs. In fact, there is humor all though this episode - that is the appeal of it. 


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