Saturday, January 14, 2017

"Star Trek" The Cloud Minders (1969)

Rich Profiteers vs Poor Hard-Workers

Season 3, episode 21. The Enterprise is on a mission to the planet Ardana to retrieve the mineral zenite, it is in need to help stop a plague on Merak II. Kirk wants to speed things up so he and Spock beam directly to the zenite mines entrance, ignoring the High Adviser Plasus's request for them to beam to the floating city of Stratos. Kirk and Spock are the lassoed (captured) by the angry miners, a fight breaks out and Plasus shows up with some men and the miners easily back off. Kirk explains that they just wanted to pick up the zenite shipment that was suppose to be ready and Plasus explains that the Troglytes, miners, used a trick in order to get hostages to force the counsel to meet their demands. Kirk and Spock quickly learned then there are 2 classes: the cave-dwelling Troglytes that are the workers/miners who are very poor and the rich Elite cloud-living city dwellers that profit off the poor workers. Plasus requests Kirk and Spock to go to the city of Stratos and they agree. The logical Spock sees how illogical it is for the hard workers to be the poor ones while the rich ones do nothing at all but collect fine art and the profits. Kirk deals with the poor female miner that attacked while Spock deals with the young rich but naive daughter of Plasus. Kirk and Spock finds themselves in the middle of their private war and all they needed was the zenite for Merak II but now the must end the war before they can obtain the much needed zenite. The botanical plague is quickly spreading on Merak II, time is running out.

I find an interest in this episode due to class separation (areas they can live), profiteers vs hard-workers and rich vs poor scenario. Another important point is the rich (Plasus) refusing simple health measures - the masks to protect the Troglytes from the gas that is emitted when mining the zenite.


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