Saturday, January 14, 2017

"Star Trek" The Savage Curtain (1969)

Kirk, Spock And Historical Figures Forced To Fight

Season 3, episode 22. The Enterprise arrives at the volcanic planet of Excalbia for a geological expedition where their sensors detect carbon-based life forms. Suddenly an image of Abraham Lincoln appears floating on the ship's screen. Spock says its not the real Lincoln but Kirk invites Lincoln aboard the ship with honors. Lincoln claims to be human but knows nothing of technology past the 19th century but knows the  Vulcan philosophy of Nom (meaning "all"). Lincoln invites Kirk and Spock to the planet where an area is earth-like. Scotty and McCoy protest the idea but Kirk and Spock go anyway. Once there they find their phasers, tricorder and communicators gone and out steps the Vulcan Surak who is the father of the Vulcan civilization  - Spock again does not believe: Not in Lincoln now Surak. Next a boulder becomes a rock-like creature and the alien, Yarnek,  announces to inhabitants to conduct an experiment: which opposing human philosophy is stronger good or evil. The alien puts Kirk, Spock, Lincoln, and Surak against Colonel Green, the Klingon Kahless, Zora, and Genghis in a fight to the death. To force Kirk and Spock to fight, the alien has set the Enterprise to explode in 2 hours if Kirk is defeated and all the Enterprise can do is watch on the screen.

Not great but it's Star Trek fun! Very entertaining.


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