Saturday, January 14, 2017

"Star Trek" The Way to Eden (1969)

Space Hippies Shake Up The Enterprise

Season 3, episode 20. The Enterprise is after the stolen space cruiser Aurora which is fast on it's way to the Romulan Neutral Zone. The son of the Catuallan ambassador Tongo Rad is on board. Kirk tries the tractor beam but it puts a strain on it. Kirk then orders them to beam all passengers to the Enterprise, only 6 make it before the cruiser blows up. The group demands to go to the planet Eden, but that planet is believed to be a myth. They must handle Tongo carefully to not upset the relationship of the Catuallans and the Federation, yet Tongo and his group disrespects authority. All hippies are medically scanned and healthy but Dr. Sevrin, is a carrier of the Synthecoccus novae virus. The virus is deadly but can be combated if vaccinated. The hippies believe that Eden will cure them - but is Eden only a fable?

Groovy episode. The hippies can be quite annoying but it is a fun watch.


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