Sunday, January 8, 2017

"Star Trek" The Apple (1967)

The People of Vaal

Season 2, episode 5. The Enterprise happens upon the planet of Gamma Trianguli VI, which resembles what some would say is like the biblical garden of Eden. Spock, Kirk, McCoy and a small landing party beam down to meet the inhabitants and inspect the planet. They are followed by Akuta a man who is the eyes and ears of Vaal. The people of Vaal must keep Vaal fed and in return it is said that Vaal makes the fruit on the trees, the sun to shine and the rain to fall. Vaal also controls and rules over it's people not allowing love, touch or children. Vaal is also holding on to the Enterprise, draining all power sources and not allowing the landing party to beam back aboard the ship. The landing party must find a way to get back to the ship but in order to do that they must conquer Vaal and in doing so they free the people Vaal. 

This episode is a biblical reference to the garden of Eden and the story of the apple.

Not a bad episode but I do have one question: how on earth did Spock break that rock without it exploding? When he threw the unwanted piece it hit the ground and exploded. Later on, one of the red shirts stepped on a rock and it exploded. I guess Spock really does have the Vulcan touch. lol.


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