Sunday, January 8, 2017

"Star Trek" Mirror, Mirror (1967)

Into An Evil Alternative Universe

Season 2, episode 4. The Enterprise is at the planet of the Halkan Council where Kirk, Scotty, McCoy and Uhura are there to speak to them in order to request permission to obtain dilithium crystals from the planet. The council refuses and the team beam back aboard the ship during an ion storm - but they find they have boarded another Enterprise in an alternate universe. Now Kirk, Scotty, McCoy and Uhura must work together in order to get back to their own universe without being killed by the "evil" or alternate Enterprise crew. One hope remains... the integrity of the "evil" Mr. Spock.

A long time favorite among Star Trek fans - and myself. Unforgettable is the goatee on the "evil" Spock and the scar on the face of Sulu. The only complaint I have about this episode: it's not long enough!!! LOL. If it were longer they could have shown us more of what happened in the "good" universe with the evil versions of Kirk, Uhura, McCoy and Scotty. But what little we did see was a joy to watch as the "good" Spock held them in a cell.


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