Sunday, January 8, 2017

"Star Trek" The Doomsday Machine (1967)

A Giant Death Weapon

Season 2, episode 6. The Enterprise runs across the USS Constellation, the ship is crippled, badly damaged, lifeless. Kirk, McCoy, Scotty beam aboard to find survivors and an explanation as to what happened to the Constellation. There is no one aboard except Commodore Decker who is a friend of Kirk and in a state of shock. They learn that Decker has beamed all of his crew to the third planet, which is no longer in existence and get little else information out of Decker as to what it is they are dealing exactly but they will soon find out it is a Doomsday Machine that is annihilating everything including ships and planets. Bones & Decker beam to the Enterprise while Kirk and Scotty remain to get information from the ships computers. Decker uses his rank to take over the Enterprise and attack the Doomsday Machine, the machine attacks back and damages the Enterprise so the transporter beam will not work properly. Spock is dealing with Decker who is "mad" in away and repairs are being made on the Enterprise. Kirk and Scotty try to what they can from the Constellation as Kirk watches his own ship attack and almost swallowed by the giant machine. It's another race against time.

If I were Mr. Spock, I would have given Decker the Vulcan nerve pinch when he tried to take over the Enterprise and had McCoy to examine his sanity regardless. Decker already lost his own crew and ship to that machine, Spock reminded Decker of that. I don't care if Decker had the right idea an not enough power to do what he wanted to do... Decker could have survived if he was examined and put into a cell for a bit until Kirk and Scotty got back to speak to him. But that's just me and it didn't happen that way!!

Very suspenseful episode - a joy to watch again.



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