Friday, January 6, 2017

"Star Trek" The Alternative Factor (1967)

Lazarus & The Parallel Universe

Season 1, episode 27. The Enterprise is taking readings of an uncharted planet and find no lifeforms, when the universe "blinks" and they rescan the planet they find a lifeform - a human lifeform. Starfleet noticed it as well and contacted the Enterprise to tell them it's up to them to find out what is going on all alone because they are ordering all other ships out of the area. Kirk and Spock beam down to find a man named Lazarus and bring him aboard the ship. Strange things occur with Lazarus and the universe once again "blinks". Kirk and Spock investigate further only to find out that there is a tear or doorway into a parallel universe, it's up to them to how all this ties in with a bizarre man called Lazarus.

I "get" this episode for the most part... the only two things I'm not understanding is why hasn't the universe "blinked" before or if this is the first time it's been noticed. Lazarus has been chasing this "other creature" for many years so the universe should have "blinked" before I would think. Otherwise I find this one really good.

The other thing I don't understand is: How could 2 of the same humans (one matter, the other anti-matter from alternate universes) -- how could they fighting and killing each other (or just one die) cause both universes to become nonexistent?


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