Friday, January 6, 2017

"Star Trek" Errand of Mercy (1967)

Peaceful Organians, Klingons & Federation At War

Season 1, episode 26. The Klingons and the Federation are at wars with one another. The planet Organia is the perfect planet to occupy during this war - it might give an advantage and both sides know it. The Organians are a peaceful group of people that do not like violence of any kind. Kirk and Spock beam down to the planet in order to warn them of the impending danger of the Klingons and offer the Organians protection against them. The Organians refuse Kirk's offer and the Klingons arrive and beam down quickly to take the planet over. The Klingon commander Kor quickly finds the Organians with Kirk and Spock who have been disguised as Organians by the Organians themselves and it fools Kor but only for a short time. Kor then holds Kirk and Spock in a cell while the Enterprise, with Sulu in command, waits for more of the Klingons to arrive along with the Federation to begin the war. The Organians will only remain peaceful as the tension builds and it puzzles Kirk, Spock and even the Klingon Commander Kor. Who or what are these peaceful Organians? It will take Kirk, Spock and Kor working together to find out in the end.

I really enjoy the Klingons vs the Federation episodes - this one is good.


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