Sunday, January 22, 2017

She Cried Murder (1973)

Looks Like A Bad Cops Show - Minus Telly Savalas
Telly Savalas is the only good thing about this film. Looked like a very bad "B" cop TV show. Acting is just a lame too, again minus Telly Savalas.

So this woman is looking out of a subway train - right at the very beginning of the film. She sees someone push a woman right in front of the train. Naturally the train stops, she gets off, and sees Brody (Savalas) and he sees her.  Inspector Joe Brody walks on. She reports what see saw and tries for the rest of the movie to convince the police that Inspector Joe Brody is the man she saw pushing the woman. Of course no 1970s cop show is complete without a few action chase scenes.

I dislike these types of movies - even TV Movies filmed in this style. I am not a fan of action "B" police shows. I also dislike a boring story and this one is Bore-ring!


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