Sunday, January 22, 2017

Deadly Strangers (1975)

A Fantastic Psychological-Thriller

 Simon Ward and Hayley Mills are both outstanding in this one. This is one of the best movies I have seen in a while... I've seen this one years ago and forgotten about it and forgot what happens - I only remember seeing it once upon a time. I can say I am impressed and will want to watch this one again.

An escapee has left the mental institution. Belle has just missed her train, wants to get back home and catches a ride with a crazy trucker but she manages to get away from him and is stranded on the road. Stephen had seen her earlier at the tavern where she left with the man, recognized her and gave her a lift. From that point on, we can see the strange behavior of Stephen. Even Belle had her strange ways that explained her stand-off behavior yet seemed to have an odd trust in Stephen. Belle seems to kinda like Stephen, she even helps him out a time or two. During flashbacks we can see Belle's past and Stephen's past... it helps to explain their behavior. They end up going more places together than where Belle wanted to go in the first place. At one point, Belle ends up with another strange man that picks her up after a mix-up with Stephen but Belle and Stephen end up back together. Belle and Stephen really seemed like a match made in Heaven until the very end.


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