Sunday, January 22, 2017

Impulse (1974)

The Evil Captain Kirk - I Mean Bill Shatner

I cannot help but to think of the evil Captain Kirk in the Star Trek TOS: Mirror, Mirror. I'm sorry but that is what runs through my mind seeing this film. If you want to see a good slasher film with William Shatner the I recommend Visiting Hours (1982) - that is a good movie to me!

Yes I love Bill Shatner but I could not sit though Impulse. It's just too lame and awful for me to sit an 1 1/2 hours forcing myself to watch it. I wish I could but life is too short for that and there are other great films to watch - including one's with The Shat!

Yes the film is funny - because it's hard to see Bill in this role. But it's just not "him" so I have problems with watching it. And the fact the film is just overall bad no matter who played the role of Matt Stone.

The film gets one extra point from me just for The Shat!


Impulse (1974)

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