Sunday, January 22, 2017

Deadly Game (1991)

A Really Bad Loose Remake

If you want a GOOD movie watch "The Most Dangerous Game (1932). If you want a so-so loose remake watch "Bloodlust! (1961)" This 'Deadly Game (1991)' is nothing more than an awful and loose version of the awesome classic "The Most Dangerous Game (1932)". "Bloodlust! '61" falls in-between the two.

This version is too busy trying to get graphic with the kills and give us a 1980s B-action look and feel. The only  3 wonderful actors in this pitiful movie: Marc Singer, Michael Beck, and Roddy McDowell - not one of them could save this flick. The guy playing Osiris is terrible, just terrible... the rest not mentioned needed acting lessons as well.

If I want a poor man's version of "The Most Dangerous Game" then I'll watch"A Game of Death (1945)" or "Bloodlust! (1961)" over this 1991 tripe. Such a shame, I wanted another film in the same vein to enjoy and because of the 3 actors that are in this one. But it is not this film.

3 Stars for 3 Stars: Singer, Beck and McDowell.


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