Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Bloodlust! (1961)

A Good Loose Remake

"Bloodlust! (1961)" is loose remake of "The Most Dangerous Game (1932)" and it's not a bad film. "Bloodlust!" is not nearly as good as the original film but the movie is still good - worth viewing if you liked the original film and do not mind loose remakes.

I was entertained by this film - it's not exactly the same as the original so it does have a few thrills of it's own to offer a first time viewer.

I would recommend watching "The Most Dangerous Game (1932)" and then watching "Bloodlust! (1961)" - not to compare the two films necessarily but to watch a different group of people being hunted down by a similar type of maniac in a similar story for a double feature. 
A must to mention: Another alright remake is "A Game of Death (1945)". 


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