Monday, December 5, 2016

The Sender (1982)

Creepy Lesser Known Film

This one is a bit creepy. It's a horror film that seems to be overlooked, more or less forgotten, but is a very interesting and odd movie.

It's about a guy with ESP - he sends extremely real images to people when he's upset or asleep having nightmares. He tries to commit suicide and then is brought to a state mental hospital for observation and treatment. The doctors end up upsetting him and they start learning of special and terrifying gift when things start happening to them. His mother keeps showing up at the hospital only upsetting him more.  The viewer never learns his real name, we only know this guy by the name of John Doe aka The Sender.

The film contains a ghost and other supernatural elements so if you are into those types of films then you might enjoy The Sender.


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