Monday, December 5, 2016

The Screaming Woman (1972)

A Rather Strange Film But Pretty Good

Laura Wynant has come home from an institution. She lives with her son Howard who seem genuinely concerned for her and her heath and her crabby, money-hungry stepdaughter Caroline. Laura goes for a walk on her large property, all the way out to where the old smokehouse used to be. She sees a dog out there and then hears a cry for help, locates the voice in the cellar that wasn't destroyed of the old place and goes for help. She runs home to tell the story of the woman buried alive out there. No one believes Ms. Wynant's story, they are all thinking she's still not well, but her story is real - quite real.

Who is the woman buried out there? Why is she there? Was it some weird accident or was she buried there deliberately? Will Ms. Wynant find help and get to her before she suffocates?

Pretty interesting film. I enjoyed it.


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