Monday, December 5, 2016

Crawlspace (1972)

Odd But Interesting Drama-Thriller

This film is so odd that it becomes very interesting quickly. It would have been better to have a bit more backstory on Richard (the guy living in the crawlspace). The middle aged couple, the Graves, are without child and when they, found the young man Mrs. Graves' motherly side wanted to keep him, nurture him while her husband was reluctant at first but decided to be a father to him and try to reintroduce into society. Things are okay but weird for awhile but when Richard had trouble at a store with some ill-mannered young punks things start to get ugly. The Graves start having mixed emotions over Richard: they want to love him as Richard wants but they are also afraid of Richard.

A pretty darn good thriller - the film gets intense and scary. I found this one to be a worthwhile movie.


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