Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Chiller (1985)

A Cold Blooded Chiller

Miles Creighton passed away and was frozen cryogenically by the wishes of his mother Marion. One night his cryogenic chamber malfunctioned and he started thawing out. The security called for an emergency and Miles was rushed to the hospital, his mother notified and after some time he was revived - he lives again after 10 years frozen! He becomes the president of his father's company and he changes everything about, from policies to firing people. His personality is completely different - he's become very abusive, violent, hateful and willing to kill - he's downright horrible. The big question is: "Did Miles' soul/spirit reunite with his body after being dead for 10 years or is it someone else's soul/spirit within him?"

I liked this film. It's a slow movie that feels more like a film from the 1970s than the mid-80s which is something I really enjoyed about it.


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