Monday, November 14, 2016

Death Machines (1976)

Kill Them All Action - Lame!

Another one of the Mill Creek films: from their Sci-Fi Invasion 50-Pack. I consider this one the filler films - ya know the movies to fill out the pack just to make sure there are 50 movies in it - and not because it's actually a Sci-Fi or a fairly okay film. This film is not Sci-Fi so why is it in the Sci-Fi pack? This is an action film.

This non-science fiction, pure action film really stinks. All I saw was some people in the beginning that looked as if they are in beginning martial arts and some really dumb sounding dialogue so I hit the fast-forward button to watch the rest of the stupid film. What I saw was trucks crashing, bulldozer running people over, a dude with a rifle, more dudes with guns and some more beginner martial arts moves. That's really it besides some ugly clothing and hairstyles.


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