Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Blob (1988)

The Film Is Fun!

Of course the original Blob is the best (in my opinion) but this movie is loads of fun! Cheesy dialogue, silly special effects (but some are really good), a little different twist to the story from the original film that is laughable, some very comical moments and, of course, The Blob itself!

You might find some characters you like in this movie, I did, but expect some of them to be gotten by The Blob! Surprising to see a character or two that you think might make it to the end of the film and they are bumped off early in the movie! But The Blob doesn't care about your favorite movie characters - it only cares about consuming them!

This is definitely a "popcorn flick" - one you simply just kick back and enjoy the fun going on the screen. It's not much of a thought provoking film as it is pure crazy fun!


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