Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)

Great Ending To A New Beginning

This final installment of The Hobbit brings us to the battle with Smaug in the city of Laketown. Many have died in the fires of the great dragon and Bard puts an end to Smaug and becomes a legend in his own right.

Bilbo and the dwarves are inside the halls of the old dwarf place with Thorin. Thorin has caught the dragon sickness as his forefathers - just like his grandfather. He's going mad and there's nothing Bilbo and the dwarves can do but stay by his side, loyal to their vow to Thorin. Out the great dwarven keep the elves gather outside ready to deal battle with Thorin and his 12 men - the tension is building.

Gandalf is freed from his prison, he along with Radagast, are sent way - Gandalf tells Radagast to gather all the animal armies he can to send to the battle forthcoming. Saruman,  Lady Galadriel and Lord Elrond fight the Nazgul and the great evil Sauron - Lady Galadriel banishes him from the area but says he'll flee east. Saurman goes after him. The Lord and Lady leave to heal Lady Galadriel.

At the Lonely Mountain a great battle commences: Dwarves from afar gather to defend Thorin. Tauriel, Legolas, Thranduil and his Elven force are there along with Men on this day.  Azog and his Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, Gandalf and Bilbo - all there for the great battle. Radagast shows up with the Great Eagles in the end but also  in the end Azog and Thorin  manage to kill each other. Thorin's last breathes he and Bilbo confirm their lasting friendship as the Great Eagles soar overhead. A sad day for all - many lives lost.

And so it ends but it begins a new time for Middle Earth, a time when Saurman and his Nazgul will search for the One Ring... a little gold magical ring found by an unlikely person Bilbo Baggins.


The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)

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