Sunday, September 4, 2016

Algiers (1938)

Boring, Lame And Awful!

What a horrible film! There is not one character I care about, not one I sympathize with and not one I like nor one I can identify with. Nothing special about this film at all!

The story is just lame & boring, the acting average - the fake accents are terrible, choppy cinematography etc... this is NOT a classic - it's just an awful older film and I feel sorry for the actors in this lame production with no real story.

Pepe le Pew, Pepe le Loco or whatever can live, can die, can do whatever and I really don't care! What is suppose to be so good about the story of Pepe le Moko? ZERO that I can find.

2 out of 10 ONLY for the actors involved in this mess of a story and lame production.


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