Sunday, September 4, 2016

Jigsaw (1949)

Feels Like A Soap Opera
 WOW! What a horrible film - now I understand the negative reviews on this one. Yes it's terrible and has a feeling of a bad soap opera instead of a decent film noir or mystery.

Cameos by Marlene Dietrich, Henry Fonda and Burgess Meredith - who cares, you only see them for 2 or 3 seconds! It's not worth your time to watch this terrible film just to see the 3 of them for a couple of seconds in the background. You are much better off watching one of their films instead of this soap opera garbage for cameos.

I'm sorry but this film is confusing and just overall dumb - no real direction or story. The cinematography and acting are that of a child instead of great or even slightly good.

This is one of the most boring and lamest films I've seen in awhile. It gets a big 2 out of 10 ONLY for the cameos.


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