Sunday, September 4, 2016

They Made Me a Criminal (1939)

Dead End Kids Outlet - Not A Lot Of Rains.

The movie was pretty good minus the Dead End Kids - once they were brought into the picture it went down hill. It wasn't a focus on Johnnie's story anymore but an outlet for the Dead End Kids to act up on camera.

The studio, director and writers - someone - should have kept the focus on Johnnie and police. Once Johnnie left town, they only showed the police one time and that was briefly around the middle of the film and finally got back to the police at the end of the film.

OH don't expect to see a lot of Claude Rains in this one - he's in the film as a tough cop - did well with the role handed to him - but he's not in the film all that much.

Anyway - I would like this film much more if the Dead End Kids were NOT in the film and would have most likely rated the film higher!! They put way too much focus on them and not on the what the story is about: Johnnie being framed for a murder he didn't commit.


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