Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Naked Kiss (1964)

A So-So Crime Drama

The dangers of prostitution as Kelly teaches us  "You will end up hating all men. You'll become a social problem, a medical problem and a mental problem. And a despicable excuse for woman." Kelly is an ex-prostitute who decides to live a straight life and gets a job in a hospital working with sick kids - but there is more to it than she bargains for.

The good scene is the opening - after that it's a boring story of Kelly who meets a police man that tries to get her to work for Candy (the owner of a prostitution house). The story picks back up towards the end when Kelly gets weird boyfriend whom she ends up killing with a telephone receiver when she finds out he's a sick-o pervert with children. Her police friend is on the case but doesn't believe her story - the odds are stacked against her as her old pimp is called in to talk to the police about her character - he lies the police believe the pimp in the beginning. Even a nurse steps in and taints Kelly's character. Can Kelly get out of this?


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