Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Wrong Road (1937)

Teaching Nice Rich Kids A Lesson In Crime

This is a mildly entertaining crime drama about two rich spoil young 20-somethings who learn they won't inherit their parents money and they decide they can't rough it in life, they want to take a short cut by stealing money from the bank the boy worked at. They turn themselves in and figured after a few years in prison they would get the hidden money and live happily ever after. But they didn't figure for the police to like them and want to teach the two a lesson about how "crime doesn't pay". Oh they did their prison time where the boy met a guy (a cell mate) and he would get out of prison first and follow the two young adults to get his cut of the money. The insurance agent and the police follow the two as well to uncover the hidden money.

Well it's funny in the beginning where the young couple are at dinner and she say that she "can't do her own laundry because she wasn't raised up that way"... I almost turned the film off then but I had to watch this one until the end to find out how this one played out. It's funny to see the two in prison doing labor when they wanted the easy but wrong road - she had to scrub floors and he worked in a factory during their prison time.

It turned out to be an okay film - nothing outstanding by any means but it's alright, nothing to brag about. It held my interest until the very end so it wasn't all that bad. The film does have a few intense moments that kept it enjoyable.


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